Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Experiment #3 - Map of the World

A story idea that is in its infancy stage:

Setting: 10-20 years in the future, Seattle, WA (I may change the city location)

Main Characters: Victoria (naturally born) and Gabe (Gabriel) (GEH [Genetically engineered]) Human)

Victoria: The eyes.  There is something different about their eyes.  I've noticed it, but I can't quite put my finger on what it is exactly.

I'm a scientist and I work in a lab (formal name to be named later) and we conduct research (TBD).  My coworker Gabe, a fellow scientist, is such a crab ass, but handsome.  He's always slamming things around the lab, shouting at people, rude as shit.  I wish he would get transferred to another department. I don't know what wrong with him.  Why is he so intense?

Gabe: I hate working here!  Hate it with every ounce of my being, but it is the only way I can figure out how and what they (the lab) do, and why.  I wear contacts to conceal my eyes.  So far, no one suspects.  Maybe except for Victoria.  Little Miss Perfect, I can't stand her, but she's pretty, in a nerdy/geeky kind of way!  She stares at me with a quizzical look on her face.  Drives me nuts!  I just want her to leave me alone so I can figure this shit out and stop it!

**Gabe's mother died in childbirth along with his newborn sister.  Gabe was raised by his father and always suspected that he was 'different' from other kids.  He figured it out in his early years of college and then decided he had to be the one to stop it (I'm purposely being vague about the 'it' because I haven't fully developed the 'it'.)  It will have something to do with the advances of GEH and because of these 'advances' a flaw begins to happen with humans created with the help of science.  These humans are different than 'naturally conceived' humans.  A mutation starts and a big consequence occurs from the science taking it too far.  Gabe struggles with his own sense of being and existence and is haunted by the loss of his mother and newborn sister he never knew.  He wants to put an end to this practice.

More to come..... ;-)

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